SciFi Hive Platform - Facilitator Interface

1. The Facilitator Role

As a facilitator, your role is to work with the hives and the Beekeeper to expand the participants thinking and help them overcome their own biases. During the SciFi hive, you will be able to move back and forth between the different hives to cross pollinate ideas, expand thinking, remove barriers, and facilitate collaboration.

The Facilitator Interface is split out into a few parts. To run though a quick tutorial of the parts, click on the Swarm "?"

The Facilitator Role
1.1. The swarm room

During a SciFi Hive, there are 2 different types of video conference rooms.

  1. The swarm room - this is the main room where all participants will get together to receive instructions and to share after each section
  2. Hive rooms - these are the breakout rooms that the small teams (hives) will break out into to work on each section of the SciFi Hive

Join the swarm room by clicking on the "Join swarm room" button or click on "Join main swarm room" in the Breakouts tab.

The swarm room
1.2. Popout the video conference window

Once you're in the conference room you can also pop the video conference window out into a new window by clicking on the popout button on the top right hand corner.

Popout the video conference window
1.3. Popout window

The popout window can then be moved to another screen so you can work inside the platform and see the conference at the same time. If you don't want to pop out, you can still return to the main tab to view the video conference.

Popout window
2. The Breakouts Tab

While running a SciFi Hive you'll want to visit the hive teams as they are working in their hive rooms (breakout rooms) during each section of the SciFi hive.

You can control do this in the Breakouts tab (available for Beekeepers and Facilitators only)

The Breakouts Tab
2.1. Visiting a Hive

To visit a hive, just click on the hive in the Visit hives list.

Once you do, you'll notice that there are several more tiles on the left side and an new button on the top called "Join hive room".

Visiting a Hive
2.1.1. Viewing the hives work

By clicking on the tiles on the left side of the screen, you can now view the work for the hive that your visiting. This will allow you to follow along while they work and even input into the work with them.

Click back on the "Swarm" tile at anytime to jump to return to the Breakout and Run tab.

Viewing the hives work
2.1.2. Joining the hive room

Once you've joined a Hive, you can click on the Join hive room button to join the video conference room for the hive. The name of the hive will appear on the video conference screen.

Joining the hive room
2.1.3. Messaging the hives

At any point you can use the "Broadcst a message to hive rooms" feature to send a message to all of the hive rooms at the same time.

Usually we will keep everyone up to date on timing using this feature as it's very important to keep everyone working to the set timing for the SciFi Hive.

Messaging the hives
2.1.4. Ending the visit

Feel free to jump around from hive to hive and visit all of the hives (you can only be in one hive at a time). Once you're done visiting, click on the "End hive visit" to leave the current hive without joining another.

Ending the visit
2.2. Getting back to the main swarm room

To get back to the main swarm room, you can click on the "Join main swarm room" item in the Breakouts tab or you can return to the Run tab to Join the swarm room or just click on the "Join swarm room" button on the top of the screen.

Getting back to the main swarm room